Land Development
DEA helps our clients add value to their property through entitlements, planning, platting, landscape architecture, and preliminary and final design for commercial, industrial, residential, mixed-use, and transit-oriented developments.
Dave Evans built a successful professional services consulting firm based on his skill in designing residential communities. Since 1976, DEA has been recognized for preparing innovative designs that balance growth with environmental sensitivity.
Today, our land development experts not only thoughtfully design residential communities, we find workable, creative solutions for complex land development projects, including industrial and transit-oriented development; commercial, retail, and entertainment projects; parks and recreation facilities; streetscapes; and master planned communities. We also excel at redevelopment. Converting blighted industrial areas into attractive mixed-use communities, mineral extraction sites into clean industry locations, and industrial waterfronts into gathering places is the kind of work that speaks to DEA’s core purpose of improving the quality of life while demonstrating stewardship of the built and natural environments.

Land Development: Areas of Focus
DEA provides a full range of development services for commercial, industrial, and public facilities.
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We work to create developments that improve transportation connectivity and public safety.
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DEA’s planners, environmental scientists, and landscape architects collaborate to creatively balance human needs with stewardship of the land.
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DEA provides comprehensive planning services for urban, regional, and rural areas.
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Our experience includes a broad range of land development projects, housing types, environmental settings, and recreational amenities.
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The best transit and transportation projects address land use and urban design as integral parts of the planning and design delivery process.
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Our knowledge of “complete streets” and “green streets” allows us to design streets for all users.
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You and your staff are to be commended on the excellent job performed in operationalizing a complex scope of work … The creativity and thoroughness shown by your project manager, supporting researchers, writers, and graphic specialists have resulted in a valuable baseline study.
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Featured Project
Crissey Field Park and Welcome Center. Crissey Field is the latest in a series of successful projects DEA has led that develop major Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) facilities. DEA provided planning, design, and construction services for Crissey Field under the “Target 2014” program, which uses dedicated funds to acquire property, and invest in facilities and recreation grants in anticipation of growth and changing recreation needs.
Project Details | Land Development Projects | DEA Project Archive
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