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Arizona State Veterans Home

Arizona State Veterans Home

DEA provided civil engineering services for this fast-track design-build project. Tasks included researching existing utilities, water and sewer modeling, preparing a final drainage report and stormwater management plans, and producing final grading, drainage, water, fire, and sewer plans.

CHS Kalama Modernization Design-Build

CHS Kalama Modernization Design-Build

DEA provided engineering design, construction administration and permit coordination services for this $100 million renovation to the multimodal grain terminal owned and operated by the Tacoma Export Marketing Company in Kalama, Washington.

Rails with Trails

Rails with Trails

DEA evaluated the potential for co-locating a multi-use path with the existing track alignment and developed a proposed trail alignment for a 14-mile segment of the right-of-way, and also prepared conceptual-level construction cost estimates for the trail.

Gordon Faber Ball Field Development

Gordon Faber Ball Field Development

DEA planned and designed three additional softball fields to meet increasing public demand on the Gordon Faber Recreation Complex, a regional multi-sport complex owned and operated by the City of Hillsboro Parks & Recreation department.