Marine Services :: Hydrographic and Nautical Charting
Port of Long Beach Hydrographic Surveying and Consulting Services
Long Beach, CA
DEA Marine Services is providing hydrographic surveying and consulting services to the Port of Long Beach (POLB), the second-busiest container port in the United States and a major gateway for trans-Pacific trade. Being a key U.S. deep-draft port, POLB surveys must meet National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Coast Survey’s Categorized Zone of Confidence A1 (CATZOC A1) standards, the highest standards for deep-draft maritime commerce. The primary mission of DEA’s work is to update bathymetry of the harbor suitable for POLB’s Harbor Sounding Program as well as to update the local Pilot database and provide data to NOAA for nautical charting.