Transportation :: Roads and Highways
A Street Rail Safety Improvements
Rainier, OR
DEA provided surveying, civil engineering, utility design, railroad coordination, stormwater and hydraulics, landscape architecture, and construction engineering services on a significant project in downtown Rainier. The A Street corridor includes a two-way main street, a heavy rail line down the middle of the street, on-street parking, and sidewalks with ADA compliant curb ramps. The rail dates from the 1800’s and the street was also quite old.
In Phase 1, DEA evaluated previous studies and plans, interviewed stakeholders, clarified available funding, and identified next steps. In Phase 2, DEA developed conceptual and final designs for seven city blocks. This included travel lanes, parking, sidewalks, a raised median for the railroad including open ballast tracks, stormwater treatment facilities, utility relocations and replacement, pedestrian facilities, and rail crossings. DEA evaluated right-of-way, utility, and parking impacts for review of the conceptual design alternatives by stakeholders. DEA also prepared a cost estimate itemized by five separate funding sources and an extensive truck turning analysis to accommodate legal and permit loads, including a 22-foot-wide over-sized load for a local barge manufacturing operation at the south end of the project. In the final phase, DEA provided on-site inspection and construction management for the construction contract for ODOT and the City of Rainier.